48 yrs after teen mom forced to give up her son she lays eyes on him standing right in front of her

Becoming a parent is a beautiful moment but sometimes that moment is taken away from you without your choice.

It’s difficult to imagine someone taking your baby away and not knowing if you’ll ever see that child again.

Sadly, that’s what happened to one young mom after she gave birth.

Thuy-Nga Thi Nibblett was only seventeen when she became pregnant with her son.


She had a relationship with an American soldier and her father did not approve.
She was not only pregnant with an American’s child, but she was not married as well.

“When you have kid half-American, half-Vietnamese, people look down on you, especially your family,” Nibblett explained to CBN News.

Thuy-Nga Thi Nibblett gave birth to her son and never laid eyes on him again.
Her father immediately took her son away and did not let her know where he took him.



Her father had put him in the orphanage, where he would eventually be adopted.

The baby, who’s now named Kirk Kellerhals, was adopted from a Vietnamese orphanage at the age of two.
He was raised with the belief that his biological parents had perished during the Vietnam War.

Kirk didn’t know that this wasn’t true – and that his biological mother had been praying to reunite with her son ever since he was taken away from her.

Kirk is now a resident of Virginia Beach, South Carolina.
He always wanted to know more about his birth family, but did not conduct any family research for years.


Nibblett is now a resident of San Antonio, Texas with her husband.
She never lost faith in finding her long-lost son and submitted her info to the Family Tree DNA website, in the hopes of him doing the same.

Kirk finally gave in, at the urging of his wife, and added his DNA to the very same family tree website.

Two years after including her DNA, Nibblett had finally found her son.



