5 Stories of How Selflessly Helping Strangers Changed People’s Lives Forever

In a world where we often pass by strangers without a second glance, these five stories reveal the unbelievable power of simple acts of kindness.

Most folks no longer take the time to help out strangers for several reasons, but the people below learned how rewarding it can be to help with groceries, look out for a child, and even give away your last few cents.

A young boy paying for groceries led to a heartfelt bond and a life-saving fundraiser for his grandmother. Cleaning an old lady’s yard brought a community together, and a boy’s twenty cents to a homeless man resulted in a $740K villa for his grandmother. A custodian found a new family by helping a lost girl reunite with her mother. Lastly, helping an old lady with groceries set off a chain reaction that ended with a new home for a boy and his mother. Simple acts of kindness can truly change lives!



