Audience Laughs As Brandon Brings Up Cookie Monster In Meandering Speech On Bidenflation

Audience Laughs As Brandon Brings Up Cookie Monster In Meandering Speech On Bidenflation

President Joe Biden just gave a speech on “New Actions to Lower Costs for Hardworking Families by Fighting Corporate Rip-offs” and, in it, ended up giving a meandering defense of his administration’s economic policies in which he attacked companies for “shrinkflation,” bringing up the Cookie Monster while doing so.

Leading off his attack on companies, Biden indicated that he thinks America has a system of “exploitation” rather than “capitalism.” saying, “I’ve said before, capitalism without competition is — is not capitalism; it’s exploitation. And that’s what we’ve been seeing. Although it’s in small scale in the minds of many people, when you add up those numbers, they’re gigantic. And we’re taking it on.”

Then, switching tacks to briefly blame inflation on the pandemic rather than massive government spending, Biden claimed, “Here’s what’s happening: The pandemic disrupted the supply chains. We all know that. I — I remember — I didn’t think as many people had any idea what a supply chain was, and we all learned really quickly.”

Continuing on that “not my fault” explanation of inflation, Biden argued, “It drove up costs on everything from smartphones to automobiles. But it also — now those costs are making things — have come down, but the prices haven’t come down. They’ve stayed up. They’ve stayed high, and the profits have soared. And it’s time for those prices to come back down. Look, the good news is inflation is the lowest it’s been in three years. In the last — in last year alone, inflation came down by two thirds. We have one of the lowest inflation rates in the world.”



