He’s the Street Performer but This Senior’s Dance Steals the Show

As we get older, we seem to care less and less about the surrounding and focus more on what makes us happy. Just take this senior fan, for example, she surely is having a blast. Furthermore, she hardly pays any mind to the surroundings and what others think or have to say.

Just imagine having that level of confidence in day-to-day life. Each one of us could conquer the world over and over again. But enough about our desires let’s get back to the sassy and energetic granny. Power Beat, a street performer, was showcasing his beatboxing skills on the streets of Brussels.

Wheout of nowhere an older woman who was walking her dog joined in the fun. Within seconds the lady began dancing to the tune. The woman was having a blast that’s for sure. The crowd began growing with everyone taking out their cellphones to record the entertaining dance. During the whole act, her dog stands by her side patiently. It surely doesn’t look like her first time busting out the rhythms for sure.

The video has accumulated over 12M views with plenty of comments. Watch the full video of her wonderful talent below and please leave us a Facebook comment to let us know what you thought!


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