A Father’s Heroic Sacrifice, Leaves Everyone in Tears

Authorities have stepped up the hunt for a callous hit-and-run motorist responsible for the heart-wrenching death of a devoted father who was struck while crossing the street with his family in South Los Angeles.

The tragic incident unfolded on the evening of February 26, at approximately 7:15 p.m., as a family of three made their way across a marked crosswalk, en route to a church close to the intersection of 84th and Hoover Street.

In a disturbing turn of events, despite other cars having stopped to allow the family to safely cross, an impatient driver took a reckless and dangerous detour around halted traffic. The driver raced at an alarming speed from the northbound lanes into the southbound ones, leading to a catastrophic collision.

In his final moments, Jemmy Chavarria, a 42-year-old father, showcased an exceptional display of heroism. He instinctively pushed his wife and 2-year-old son out of harm’s way before absorbing the full impact of the collision.

LAPD Detective Ryan Moreno recounted, “During his final moments, a truly remarkable act of heroism unfolded. With incredible presence of mind, he courageously pushed his wife to safety and skillfully moved his son away from danger by swiftly guiding him toward the sidewalk.”

The driver fled the scene, heading northbound on Hoover Street, leaving the injured victim behind.

Despite being transported to a local hospital, Jemmy Chavarria succumbed to his injuries, leaving his family devastated.

Angelica Chavarria, the grieving wife, tearfully conveyed, “My life completely changed due to a reckless driver. Prior to the impact at high speed, my husband managed to express his unconditional love to my son and me. He saved our lives.”

Authorities have obtained surveillance footage of the suspect’s vehicle, described as a light-colored grey or gold sedan, possibly a Nissan Altima. The car notably lacked a right front hubcap during the incident.



