I Never Understood What This Loop On Your Shirt Was For Until They Showed Me

When combined with the right jeans and accessories, it can be worn as an elegant item. For people who go to the gym often, a small loop was added at the back. Instead of looking for a wardrobe or ensuring there’s a place to keep the shirt before going somewhere other than home, it becomes easy to take off and hang the shirt.

The loop has another use, which is to show if someone is in a relationship or not. If the loop is taken off the shirt, it means that the person is committed and doesn’t need to hang their clothes anywhere else. Nowadays, the loop is just an extra piece of fabric sewn into clothes, so its original meaning is no longer there.

American fashion has undergone significant transformations in the last century, and it’s often enjoyable to reminisce and explore the past. Interestingly, some aspects have remained unchanged throughout the years.



