Officer Goes To Donut Shop On Wedding Day- Then Spots a 3-y Girl And He Needs To Take Action

Dedicated police officers are never off duty, and an Indiana officer proved that on his wedding day in Orlando. Back in 2017, John O’Rourke was getting doughnuts at Donuts to Go, when he saw a commotion and noticed that a girl was having a se izure, according to the Indiana University Police Facebook page.

“It had to be a donut shop,” said O’Rourke, a police officer for IUPD-Indianapolis. “You can’t make this up.”

He told bystanders to call 911, spoke with the 911 operator, and started rescue breathing and chest co mpressions. The 3-year-old regained con sciousness. Paramedics arrived just as he’d begun the chest co mpressions.

O’Rourke took his doughnuts to his car, and, “I just sat in my car, for about 20 minutes, processing everything,” he said.

O’Rourke and his bride, Virginia, married later that day. Friends at the wedding included many of the Florida Highway Patrol troopers with whom he worked — and they weren’t su*rprised by his morning encounter.

“You know John,” he remembered one of them saying. “He’s always at the right place at the right (or wrong) time.”



