Rich Man in SUV Blocks Ambulance in Traffic Unaware His Son Is inside — Story of the Day

After a traumatic childhood event, Taylor’s mistrust of doctors led him to refuse moving for an ambulance, causing him to nearly lose everything. When his wife Polly suggested hiring a nanny to help with their three kids, Taylor dismissed the idea, arguing it was too expensive. Despite Polly’s pleas, Taylor remained adamant, believing that his upbringing without a nanny had led to his success.

One day, Polly fainted, and their eldest son, Mark, called Taylor, but he refused to allow the ambulance to pass, insisting on saving money. The ambulance driver maneuvered through the traffic, and Mark was rushed to the hospital. Polly later explained that the driver had even fought with someone blocking the way.

At the hospital, Taylor was told Mark’s timely arrival saved his life. Overcome with guilt, Taylor apologized to the driver, James, and offered him a better job. He also hired James’ wife as a nanny. This experience made Taylor realize the value of family support and changed his views on doctors and money.



